EXHIBITION | Saint-Gilles


23/08/2018 à 00:00

Calm & Ink

From 24/08/2018 to 22/09/2018

The calm language of ink

Through his attachment to the roots of the Chinese aesthetic the artist Ruiqing WANG invites us to perceive the infinite subtlety of the use of ink. This one related to the dynamics of the far eastern civilization makes us aware of its vital process.
Ink or charcoal comes from pine wood. Thanks to its density, this natural product mix with water becomes the very essence of a cultural vehicle. The hardness of the black carbon pigment is thus worn down to gain some transparence and Yin/Yang balance.

Down to our days, Chinese painters and calligraphers are still fascinated by the “metaphysical” mix of carbon, earthly element and water, celestial element. From those 2 components and their natural energetic concentration and thanks to the intervention of the human hand, ink links man to the cosmos. And Ruiqing WANG perfectly “knows” that his works are akin to a cosmic breath because the use of ink necessitates mastering the movement and rhythm of nature’s balance. Via his aesthetic participation, which is by welcoming the rhythm of Nature, the artist chars the weight of daily loads. He is able to create a new language that lets us discover different worlds composed of masses, strokes and traces that calls on our imagination through a certain calmness.

This negation of any active laborious life gives access to another state of mind through which the presence of emptiness fills out the work.
Ruiqing WANG confides to us a combination of worlds revealing his personal journey by means of the calm language of ink.

Simone Schuiten