Expressions de l’organique
Expressions of the organic
Albane Mauberquez and Ghita Remy meet at ODRADEK to showcase their aesthetic practice. They use this meeting space to give life to the presence of the traces which their still active movements release in the material at work. For them, it is simply a question of giving voice or musicality to the signs they allow to develop and express themselves on a receptive medium.
The phenomenon of touch and spontaneous gestural expression, linked to the concept of time’s immeasurability, invite us to approach something usually invisible and inaudible. Being outside of all temporal constraints, they practice a dreamy experience in order to be able to open up and be receptive to the call of the senses. Seeking to tame the paper, fabric or earth, they start a journey that develops with the search of some original, essential data; life with its primary, organic tensions.
Albane Mauberquez exhibits engravings in continuous evolution. This leads to a rhythmical journey that manifests itself as a caress towards us, because nothing is definitive, everything is indicative.
In another way, in search of the vital energy animating us, she embroiders to establish different tensions between brightly colored threads. Moving forward and backward, her needle blurs the tracks of the shown-hidden. What appears is none other than a wandering journey of a hand with little schooling.
“I admit that I don’t really work on the back side of an embroidery, it lives its own journey which I love to discover in parallel with the front side.”
Ghita Remy, through her tree stampings, also offers a form of light touch retaining some imprints. “I practice a kind of ritual that applies to all stages. I apply the wet leaf on the tree as dressing it with a veil and then I tap with the brush on the bark to let it marry the pattern. Everything happens as if I was invoking the tree, and finally I remove the leaf that has become his second skin. In a way, I allow the tree to write its experience and perhaps to inscribe its essence by itself. ”
On the lookout for her dialogues with nature, which she considers to be magical, Ghita composes small sculptures transfiguring what she has collected into a prototype of the feminine. She thus joins the tireless collection of organic vitality that animates the work of Albane Mauberquez.
Translation Renaat Beheydt