
Alexandra Roussopoulos

I have been drawing every day since I came to London to study art when I was 18. The encounter with drawing and color immediately amazed me.

I knew that I had found in drawing and painting a form of autonomy, a world of my own, a mode of expression that allows me to approach a wide diversity of techniques and subjects. Often, I leave the studio for a few hours, waiting for the layers of color in my paintings to dry. I then sit in a café with a few sheets of paper, pencils and a box of watercolors that I always carry with me. I like this lightness and this economy of means. While drawing, snatches of discussions from neighboring tables reach me. This floating listening encourages reflection and distancing. I proceed in the same way when I am invited to an artist residency.

The image drawings made on this occasion are travel sketches, a search for shapes and light. These are ranges of sorts, sometimes punctuated with remarks: “work two hours”, “buy glue”, “take back the yellow canvas”. All of my works are born from this research. A selection of notebooks, made over time and drawings created during the residency will be presented during the exhibition at Odradek.