Dandan JIANG
Dandan JIANG, born in 1977 in Shandong province (China). Philosopher and artist, she also works in the field of artistic theory research and art criticism. She teaches in Shanghai, and also in Paris. Member of the Inkwash Studies Society and member of the Shanghai School of Abstraction.
Guest researcher, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (MSH, France 2008); post-doc, Center for Research on Arts and Language (CRAL 2010), School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences (EHESS). Laureate of the “Researches in Paris” grant from the City of Paris, France (2009). Winner of the “Talent Pujiang of the City of Shanghai” Prize (2010).
For the past twenty years, Dandan Jiang has created a passage between different aesthetics. In her philosophical and artistic works, she seeks to integrate a transdisciplinary approach to explore the possibilities of cross-cultural dialogue.
In her artistic practice, which dates back to her childhood and adolescence, and which has accompanied her academic research in recent years, she draws on the source of the processes of Chinese wash and the classical spirit of Chinese aesthetics, trying to weave encounters and dialogues with abstraction. She seeks to recreate the stages of transformation of mountain-water culture (shan shui), and revitalize motifs from Chinese painting.
She has participated in group exhibitions in art institutions in the Shanghai region, such as China Art Museum, V ART CENTER Gallery, China Telecom Museum in Shanghai and Qianfei Gallery in Shanghai, Institute Museum Shanghai Visual Art and the Ningbo City Art Museum, Shanghai Haishang Art Center, and did solo exhibitions in university and city libraries in Shanghai. On the European side, she has had solo exhibitions in Paris (e.g. Galerie “Espaces des femmes”), in Belgium (cultural center of the Catholic University of Louvain), and she has participated in group exhibitions (e.g. at the Kommeunale Galerie, Berlin, March 2020).
She has been a visiting professor at the University of Taiwan (April 2014), at the University of Paris I-Sorbonne (May-June 2015), at the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL, 2018). She was also Artist in Residence at UCL (September 2018-February 2019), and is currently Artist in Residence at Galerie ODRADEK (Summer 2020).
She has been invited to speak about fifty times in institutions and museums in Asia and Europe for conferences, study days, forums or to give communications on the occasion of exhibitions.She was invited to speak at the first “Night of Philosophy” at Unesco (November 2016), and at the first “Night of Ideas” at Palais Tokyo (January 2018).
In addition, she was interviewed twice by Radio France Internationale RFI, between 2017 and 2018 (broadcasts in Chinese), and by Radio La Chine en France (LCF) regarding her academic background and artistic creation. Since October 2017, she has been one of the Chinese artists presented on the French site China NewArt.
The Chinese ink painting “Silhouette of the Mountain”, by Dandan Jiang, served as the cover for a collection entitled Corps et décors: Avatars de la Philosophie du Corps entre Occident et Orient, Editions Harmattan, published in January 2019.
Email : jiangdandaneu@126.com
Dandan JIANG
January 26-March 22, 2020
“Vision Code”, Collective exhibition with 30 Chinese artists, organized by the Sino-German foundation for cultural exchanges, at the Kommunale Galerie Berlin museum, Berlin.
January 19 – March 19, 2020
“Art Sharing- Horizon and Education Invitation Exhibition”, group exhibition organized by Asia Scene, ASAS Project Gallery Public Art Education Center, Si Chuan, China. 6 paintings.
3- 15 December 2019
“A room of one’s own: Invitation Exhibition 2019 of women artists of Shanghai”, exhibitions with 12 female artists organized by the Zhu Qishan Museum, at the Shanghai School Art Center, China. 6 paintings.
October 14-30, 2019
“Espacerrance: paintings by Dandan Jiang”, 30 paintings, solo exhibition, coordinated by Erasmus Expertise and the International College of Philosophy (CIPh), at Maison Heinrich Heine, Paris. To accompany the international conference “Seuil-exil” (October 15-16, 2019). Documentary directed by filmmaker Olivier Wahl (illustrated by paintings by Dandan Jiang).
November 13 – December 14, 2018
“Habiter le paysage”, 40 paintings, solo exhibition, coordinated by the director of the cultural center of the Catholic University of Louvain (Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium), Frédéric Blondeau, at the invitation of the Rector of UCL, Vincent Blondel.
September 30 – October 26, 2018
6 selected paintings, participation in the Collective Exhibition “Alternative Forms”, organized by the School of Abstract Art in Shanghai, Ningbo City Museum of Fine Arts.
September 11 – 24, 2018
6 selected paintings, participation in the group exhibition “Fuzzy View”, organized by the School of Abstract Art in Shanghai, Museum of the Shanghai Institute of Fine Arts, Songjiang District (Shanghai).
August 2018
8 paintings, participation in the group exhibition “Contemporary Art in Shanghai”, Qianfei Gallery “Cheffer Artnet”, Shanghai.
October 5 – 28, 2018
“The birth of mountains”, 30 paintings, solo exhibition, “Espace des femmes” Gallery (35, Rue Jacob, Paris).
April 15 – May 7, 2017
20 paintings, participation in the “Painting and Transformation: Painting and Nature at Dandan Jiang, Liao Liao and Liu Yongtao’s” Exhibition, Changning District Municipal Library, Shanghai.
November 2016 – January 2017
6 paintings selected from the group exhibition “Shanghai 70”, organized by the Shanghai Fine Arts Association, China Art Museum Shanghai.
October 2016
“Mountain Metamorphosis”, coordinated by Kao Xuanyang, solo exhibition, Jiaotong University Library, Shanghai.
June 2016
“Born Facing the Mountains”, coordinated by Wang Di, Liu Yuedi, solo exhibition, East China Normal University (ECNU) Library, Shanghai.
May-June 2015
Video “The Jingan Temple and the Real” (on the cityscape and hybrid modernity in Shanghai), selected for the international exhibition “Assembly Line”, V Art Center Shanghai Gallery, Mo Ganshan.


Montagne au printemps

Montagne bleue